Friday, August 31, 2012

The Final Project

The Finished Leaning Tower of Pasta with Balance Beams
87 Centimeters!!!

The Construction!

                                                  The contruction of the Base
During the Tower Construction
My Partner Standing Next to our Tower.


  1. How did you personally feel while doing this activity? Did you ever want to give up?
            I personally felt that we had a hard time building the tower from our initial designs. We never wanted to give up but we did get fustrated.
  2. How similar is your design to others in the room?
           Our design is very original we used a triangular based base and suported the tower with four pasta sticks and built up from there.
  3. If you could add another material to the mix, what would it be and why?    
              I would add popsicle sticks to creat a sturdier base.
  4. What was your contribution to the group?      
            I was the head Architect and helped construct it with my partner.
  5. What do you like and dislike about your current design? I Think we could have made it more stable if we had used the marshmallows as well as the tape but we only used the tape.
  6. What was the biggest challenge you faced? How did you overcome it? The biggest challenge was starting to build the actual vertical tower, the base was ok and did not take to long but getting the vertical peices to not fall was difficult.  We overcame the problem by adding more tape.
  7. If you had an opportunity to redesign your tower, what would you change? I would make the base stronger and add marshmallows to the design.